this tutorial is for a 6 inch rug mug......
First, choose your fabrics - assorted strips & scraps in small prints, monotones, or solids
- amounts will vary according to the mood of the muse....
keep in mind that paper piecing is not a frugal method of fabric consumption... 8-)
Cut your paper pattern into sections - cut between the sections - leaving all lines - even the dotted ones, for now...
...if you are in my NewBees class, this pattern has been sent to you...
assemble tools: trash, rotary cutter & mat, small ruler, snips, glue stick, skewer and of course your sewing machine!
Before proceeding, thread your sewing machine with a neutral thread and shorten the stitch length. test your stitch length on a scrap of paper - it should tear easily along the stitching - yet feed easily through the sewing machine.
Your stitches should not separate the paper pattern until you are ready to remove the paper.
glue first fabric piece over the #1 space, leaving at least 1/4" seam allowances on both sides of the first two stitching lines.... |
let fabric extend past paper so it is easier to see position..... you only need a little dab of glue - don't go over the lines with it! |
align piece #2 along edge of piece #1 - sew ON THE SOLID LINE between sections 1 and 2 with paper side up. |
finger press piece 2 open - confirm that all of area #2 is completely covered with seam allowance... |
fold on line - use an index card to get a nice straight fold |
align ruler over seam - trim seam allowances to 1/4" |
after trimming pieces 1 and 2 |
it's okay to trim outside edge now.... |
piece 3 has been added and pressed open |
piece 3 is trimmed- allowing 1/4" seam allowance - note the little paper ^ at the bottom has come away - that's okay! |
paper side up - showing stitching ON LINES - trimmed - ready for pieces 4 & 5 |
oopsie! notice how pieces are too small... boooo - hate getting to last piece and messing up! I have tried unstitching these but have not really been successful - this is why it is soooo difficult to estimate fabric needed for paper piecing... best advice: lots! |
trim to dotted lines - I put the ruler on the dotted line and trim - leaving 1/4" seam allowances all the way around... |
all trimmed - ready to sew! |
trimmed sections ready to join - yes, I ran out of the original red paisley and had to use a different red for the last two blocks, but I like it better this way! |
last set of seams rotate around center - remove all paper now and press. |
use the tweezers on those tiny points! |
add a border - I used a solid red 1 1/2" strip from my scrap stash. |
press first two sides out before adding next borders.... |
use a skewer to guide the machine over those bumpy seam intersections! |
press open - I used a piece of parchment paper under my block
so that nasty brown scorch mark on my ironing board wouldn't transfer to my block... |
layer - backing fabric right side up, finished block, and batting trimmed to size of block. |
sew all the way around... 1/4" seam of course! |
trim off corners to reduce bulk |
turn right side out through slit cut into back ..... insert scrap of MystyFuse or Stitch Witchery or whatever fusible you like. |
be sure to read directions... and seal the opening!
you can also close the opening with a small iron-on applique that matches the back for a more 'professional' appearance 8-) |
Add top stitching all around to finish |
Hope you enjoyed your paper piecing experience - there are some other paper piecing links to refer to if you get stuck:
just go to "YOU TUBE" and search for "paper piecing tutorials". New videos are added and removed all the time, so just look for something from a publisher that sounds familiar to you - they are usually better than the ones on blogs.
The ones by Fons & Porter and C&T are excellent.
on the C&T tutorial, Karen Johnson of Connecting Threads teaches the most common version of Foundation Piecing - usually known as Paper Piecing - to make a baby bib with fussy cutting using the 'add a quarter' ruler.