Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Stirred Hearts at FPC Greensburg

I have been asked to 'write a few sentences' about what stirs my heart. It's a prompt being used at FPC Greensburg to help us think about and express how we feel about our church family and the things that we love about it.
I've made a 'little list' so I'm going to share it with you here. Admittedly, most of these have been shared by other members of the congregation already, which gives me comfort knowing that I'm in good company.

My Church Family is Friendly. They have reached out to me in so many ways during my times of grief and pain, offering to help me with my challenges during my husband's heart surgery and giving me all sorts of good advice on hundreds of little daily irritations. And, of course, celebrating the little joys and victories of routine living. Sometimes even when I have felt less than friendly. They have prayed for me and my family.

My Church gives me a channel for involvement. I enjoy working with children and young adults. I enjoy watching them learn and mature into amazing human beings with talents and skills over which I personally had some tiny influence. I have watched other people's children grow in faith that has strengthened my own faith more than I can fathom or express. Much of this is to the credit of our Youth Minister and the many programs available to them through FPC. I have helped with Mission Trips as well as taking turns in Sunday School, Y-Fi and Vacation Bible School.
I am also involved with Monday Morning Sewing, have been a Deacon, served Communion, and sorted clothes for the Rummage Sale.

And, although it is often mentioned, I have to add that FPC has an amazing, beautiful music ministry. The congregation pulled together to fund the restoration of our organ. Our music directors are talented beyond measure. And our choirs are a regular inspiration to my soul.

Lastly, I want to mention the symbolism in our Sanctuary. Many modern church buildings have forsaken symbolism as frivolous or too expensive.  FPC was built at a time when symbolism and icons were an essential part of faith and worship. It may seem insignificant, but sometimes I wish it were given more emphasis. The Christian symbols of the Cross are prevalent at Easter, but others are prominently displayed in both carvings and stained glass. The Dove, The Lily, The Rose of Sharon and the Trinity are all close to my heart. FPC has wonderful stained glass windows and wood carvings.

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